Verify your answers with the answers given at the bottom of page.
1) If you are in a race,what place are you in if you take over the person who is in second place?
2) So,if you overtake the last then you arrive..
3) Johnnny's mother had three children.The first child was named April.The second child was named May.What was the third child's name?
4) It takes 5 seconds to cut a log into two pieces.How long does it take to cut it into 10 pieces?
5) Is it legal in New York for a man to marry his widow's sister?
6) Two mothers and two daughters go to a restaurant .When they arrive they ask the waiter table for three.why?
7) Jim and his mom and dad went out in the rain on their holiday but only two of them got their hair wet.Why?
8) What belongs to you,but is mostly used by others?
9) In your sock drawer,you have a ratio of 5 pairs of blue socks,4 pairs of brown socks and 6 pairs of black socks.In completed darkness ,how many socks would you need to pull out to get a matching pair of the same color?
10) Before Mount Everest was discovered,What was the tallest mountain in the world?
1 Ans) Second.
You still need to take over the first one.
2 Ans) You cann't overtake the last.
3 Ans) It has to be Johnny.He is the third child.
4) 45 seconds.
It only takes 9 cuts to get 10 peices.
5 Ans) No.
It is not legal to marry after you are dead.
6 Ans) Because they are only three people A grandmother,a mother and a daughter are both two mothers and two daughters.
7 Ans) Because his dad was completely bald.
8 Ans) Your name.
9) 4 socks.
First three can be one of each color,but the fourth willl match one of the previous three.
10) Mount Everest
It has always been the tallest mountain,even before being discovered.
Verify your answers with the answers given at the bottom of page.
1) If you are in a race,what place are you in if you take over the person who is in second place?
2) So,if you overtake the last then you arrive..
3) Johnnny's mother had three children.The first child was named April.The second child was named May.What was the third child's name?
4) It takes 5 seconds to cut a log into two pieces.How long does it take to cut it into 10 pieces?
5) Is it legal in New York for a man to marry his widow's sister?
6) Two mothers and two daughters go to a restaurant .When they arrive they ask the waiter table for three.why?
7) Jim and his mom and dad went out in the rain on their holiday but only two of them got their hair wet.Why?
8) What belongs to you,but is mostly used by others?
9) In your sock drawer,you have a ratio of 5 pairs of blue socks,4 pairs of brown socks and 6 pairs of black socks.In completed darkness ,how many socks would you need to pull out to get a matching pair of the same color?
10) Before Mount Everest was discovered,What was the tallest mountain in the world?
1 Ans) Second.
You still need to take over the first one.
2 Ans) You cann't overtake the last.
3 Ans) It has to be Johnny.He is the third child.
4) 45 seconds.
It only takes 9 cuts to get 10 peices.
5 Ans) No.
It is not legal to marry after you are dead.
6 Ans) Because they are only three people A grandmother,a mother and a daughter are both two mothers and two daughters.
7 Ans) Because his dad was completely bald.
8 Ans) Your name.
9) 4 socks.
First three can be one of each color,but the fourth willl match one of the previous three.
10) Mount Everest
It has always been the tallest mountain,even before being discovered.